Symptoms of phobias
As briefly aforementioned, the symptoms of phobias tend to be very similar to those experienced during a panic attack. These include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, dizziness, trembling and sweating, and in severe cases sufferers may also feel an intense fear of dying and fear of losing control. Due to the varying nature of phobias, not everyone will experience the same symptoms - and while for some the symptoms are mild, others will have full blown attacks. Furthermore, some people with phobias will only have symptoms when they encounter the situation or object that they are afraid of. Others however will feel anxious and panicky just thinking about their phobia.
At Castle Counselling Services our therapists can offer you the space to consider your phobias in more depth. We may utilise Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as it will allow you to consider your way of processing situations whilst enabling you to find ways to deal with their anxieties more constructively. We may also encourage you to explore some of the complex underlying causes of your anxiety in order to help you better understand, and view in a more realistic light.